cleanup efforts in observance of National Environmental Sanitation Day

Your enthusiasm, dedication, and hard work towards promoting cleanliness in our home are truly inspiring. Together, we made a significant impact on our community and environment. As we gathered at The Elysee this morning, we witnessed the power of unity and collective action. Each person's contribution, big or small, played a vital role in creating a cleaner and healthier home for all of us. Your commitment to our beloved home, Koh Pich, is truly commendable. We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to the Preah Dekchkun Vachirpanho Kou Sopheap who joined us to bless our initiative. Their presence added a spiritual touch and reminded us of the importance of mindfulness and gratitude towards our surroundings. Remember, this is just the beginning of our journey towards a cleaner, greener future.

Let's carry forward the spirit of community engagement and continue to make a positive difference in our daily lives. Together, we can create a lasting impact on our city and inspire others to join this movement. Once again, thank you for being part of this incredible effort. Stay connected with us for more updates, and let's continue to work together to make Koh Pich a shining example of cleanliness and environmental stewardship. #CommunityCleanup #CleanHome #PropertyWasteManagement #CleanEnvironment #TogetherWeCan #OCIC #KohPich

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